Tuesday, February 22, 2011

22nd feb :)

2day is 14th day of my english lesson o.

learnt some irregular verbs o jus now keke.

after dat we had a small quiz n de instructor said if who wrong even one need 2 do some performance o haha..

Gud thing i no wrong dao keke ^^ me so smart.. MUAHAHAHA...

then l8r i went 2 listen 2 de seniors who gav us a presentation o..
Sooooo BOrIIIIIING o... T.T me bored dao omos slp le haha.. then my frens behind me de slpt jor n they kena marah by one of de instructors haha..Phew >.< me lucky again hehe..

now leh jiu waiting for 10pm lu coz can pei someone then ^^ heehee hope time passes very quickly ^^ lalala...

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