Thursday, February 24, 2011

a very busy day

well 2day practically was a disaster 2 begin wiv :)

woke up a bit late 2day so i was rushing 2 pack my stuff coz gonna go back home 2day 2 learn driving >.<

so ther i was looking like a complete idiot jumping here n ther which only made me more nervous about whether i would make it in time or not.. haiz haiz im such a silly guy ^^

then 2day presentation teacher asked us 2 draw a concept car 2 cope against de traffic jams.. well i could at least say i tried.. but i was jus not so myself 2day n all i think about was my driving lesson in de afternoon..

my last class finished at about 1.35 pm n had a roll call at 1.45.. n my heart was racing like a mad cow.. gud thing i planned well n thx 2 my dad 4 picking me up at de airport.. phew.. :)

then went 2 driving class.. phew.. did quite well 2day :) although not PERFECT.. well actually no one is.. but its alrite heehee.. hope 2mr jpj test would be better haha..

now finally i can relax for awhile n enjoy my time slowly, slowly n slowly.... heehee ntg much 2 do now except 2 wait for de special someone 2 finish work n i can finally spend some precious time wiv her wakaka ^^ looking forward 2 it really heehee.

hope SHE don get too tense up coz of de upcoming spm results :) everything will be fine as long as we don worry 2 much about it hehe.. anyways all de best n hope i can pass 2mr keke..

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