Thursday, February 24, 2011

jpj test day

2day woke up early n wiv a chest full of hope i head 2 de metro office :)

went ther get on de bus n off i go 2 get my p license :)

got ther chit chat wiv dinesh n finally its my turn 2 get in de car.. de thumping of my heart made everything around me soundless.. as if i was deaf.. @.@

lucky for me i pass de circuit ^^ although mati engine.. gud ting not at de wrong place.. haha well everything was going pretty smooth till now..

then comes de on de road part.. got in de car.. de jpj guy mumbled 2 himself n expect ppl 2 understand wat his talking about.. zzz then i checked everything n off i go.. starting was ok.. got a bit nervous n did some minor mistakes.. but halfway on my journey de guy slpt.. Wat de FISH!!! maybe its my driving 2 cozy n he slpt or maybe he is jus plain rude.. well i dunno.. then after i stopped de car he went on wiv his mumbling.. say wat forget put signal bla bla.. worst of all is he said dat i was not stable when changing my gear.. crap man.. his big fat leg was blocking me from shifting de gear of coz i will face some difficulty man.. LOL.. well mr "slp while im driving", damn u man..

now im so freaking no mood la.. omos gone crazy jus now.. hope i can get someone 2 cheer me up >.< but if no then maybe i'll jus weep under my blanket till 2mr morning.. haiz.. bad day.. a very bad day..T.T

1 comment:

  1. hey,just asking..
    so , did u pass your test?

    lol,i got the same experience.
    its kinda make me phobia to drive..
    but,i passed, luckily

    he was yelling at me "i'll fail you,i'll fail you"
    dammit.i hope i could just dropped him off.HAHA
    but all i did was staring blankly at him like i dont understand wth his talking about.HAHA
