Saturday, February 26, 2011

a sad day..

2day didnt went very well..

went for basketball this morning.. well i practically lost my touch since i hav not been playing much lately.. haiz haiz..

then came back home tired n smelly.. so took a bath n i went straight 2 bed.. i was too tired 2 think of anything else then..

but i was a bit happy though :) coz 2day i got 2 spend a bit more time wiv her :) heehee well not much but at least better then none rite ^^

but de whole afternoon i was lying in my bed.. rolling around like a lifeless corpse.. i literally bored myself 2 death.. i was so lonely dat my only companionship was my netbook..

well.. come 2 think about it.. am i asking 2 much?? or is it dat my expectation was 2 high?? i wonder myself if i did anything wrong?? or maybe im just 2 stupid 2 notice wher was my mistake??

nevertheless.. i hope dat everything will be better asap.. T.T coz i really miss her very very much..

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